Azienda Agricola
3 v di Valentini

Our farmers

Azienda Agricola <br>3 v di Valentini

Azienda Agricola 3v di Valentini

Azienda Agricola 3V di Valentini was established in 1991 and is run by the Valentini family: father, mother and two brothers. 
The animals have reached the number of 240 over the years, 80 milking animals in one barn and 36 in another smaller barn.

According to the owners, loose housing is the epitome of animal welfare since it allows animals to manage themselves freely and eat when they feel the need. The Valentinis were among the first to introduce it.
This innovation was followed by the introduction of brushes, of an outdoor paddock, and a robot that provides hay and water constantly.
“Animals are the best thing about this job, they give great satisfaction. Ever since I was 7 years old, I have been coming to the barn and developed this passion for animals.”
A ventilation system and the feeding of partly cut hay to encourage rumination are other tools used to ensure the animals’ well-being.
Future plans include a new automated milking system.

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